четверг, 20 ноября 2014 г.

Фразы для диалогов (приглашение к действию)

Informal offer/ invitation
Let's (do smth).
How about (doing smth)?
Would you like (do smth)? - вы бы хоткли ...
How would you like to (do smth)?
Why don't we (do smth)? - почему бы нам не ...
I feel like (doing smth) - мне хочется ...
We are (doing smth). Why don't you join us?
                               Would you like to join us?
Can you come over for my party tomorrow?
I'd like to take you to the theatre on Sunday.

Formal offer/ invitation
I'd like to invite you to our meeting on Friday. Can you come?
We are having a party on Saturday night. Would you like to join us?

How to accept an invitation
Agreed! - Решено!
That sounds good/ great. Let's (do it)
That sounds like fun.
I'd like that very much. (мне бы этого очень хотелось.)
I'd be glad to (do smth). Thank you.
I'd love to. Thanks.
All right.

How to refuse an invitation
It's a good idea, but ... (назвать, почему не можете согласиться) .
That's all very well, but ... .
That sounds good/, but ... .
I don't feel like (doing smth, [Why don't we (do smth)?]
I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't agree with you.
I'm afraid I can't.
I'm awfully/terribly sorry. I have other plans for that night.
I'd love to (do smth), but I'm afraid I can't.
Thank you for your invitation. But I can't, I'm afraid (I'm sorry.)
I don't think I can ... .

Some more ideas on daily expressions

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